Legislative Decree No. 116 of 3 September 2020, which implements in Italy Directive (EU) 2018/851 on waste and Directive (EU) 2018/852 on packaging and packaging waste, establishes the obligation for producers to indicate on all packaging (primary, secondary and tertiary) the characteristics of the materials used in the making of the packaging in compliance with Commission Decision 97/129/EC.
In compliance with this directive, Bonazzi srl publishes this information here on its website.
On 21 November 2022, Ministerial Decree No. 360 of 28 September 2022 was published, which establishes the criteria for the fulfilment of environmental labelling requirements by the bodies responsible. While respecting the freedom of movement of goods, the guidelines emphasise the possibility of using digital channels as an alternative or a supplement to the mandatory information on the packaging.